What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is an established, recognised system of diagnosis and treatment that lays its main emphasis on the structural integrity of the body.
Osteopathy believes that symptoms often stem from abnormalities in the function of the body. These abnormalities can be corrected through osteopathic treatment, thus relieving the distress and discomfort.
How Does Osteopathy Work?
Osteopaths do not look on patients simply as back sufferers but as individuals with their own unique requirements for health.
An osteopath looks at the body as a whole, not just the area that is afflicted; so every patient is assessed from a mechanical, functional and postural standpoint.
A treatment plan is then individually tailored to suit each patient’s particular requirements. Each treatment consists of a series of movements, pressures and leverages, employing a variety of osteopathic techniques that effects both the muscles and the joints.
We very much believe in classical osteopathy and the hands on approach to patient care. It is the treatment and integration of all the body parts to each other that can lead to a longer-term resolution of symptoms.
The Treatment
When you visit for the first time a full case history, including a medical history will be taken.
You will then be asked to remove some of your outer clothing down to your underwear if necessary (you may like to wear some loose shorts or leggings) Then a series of simple movements of the body and spine are carried out which enables me to make an assessment of the problem and begin to understand any possible causes.
You will then receive a treatment consisting of a series of manual corrections. I will explain exactly what I am doing and why. You will be encouraged to ask as many questions as you want.
The Classical Approach
Classical Osteopathy is a time-honoured traditional style of osteopathy that allows the osteopath to assess and treat the whole structure of the body.
Classical examination and treatment is thorough and holistic with far reaching effects and benefits such as boosting the immune system.
Osteopathy has built its reputation on these patients and has long been respected in its ability to help. However patients will often attend with many other compromises to their health and often report benefits. Osteopathy does not treat conditions but rather the individual as it attempts to raise the body’s own inherent ability to heal and recover.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Osteopathy Help?
Osteopathy can help people of all ages from babies to children to teenagers to adults, as well as pregnant women and the elderly.
Patients typically attend with a variety of aches and pains some of which are acute in nature.
What should I wear?
You will be asked to remove your outer clothing, usually down to your underwear. This makes it easier for the osteopath to treat you effectively, however if you feel uncomfortable you may wear loose clothing.
Does it hurt?
No. Osteopathic techniques are gentle adjustments. You may sometimes feel a clicking sensation but it is rarely painful.
How many treatments will I need?
There is no set rule as to the number of treatments that will be necessary as this is entirely dependent on a variety of factors unique to each patient, including the type of complaint, whether it is chronic or acute. However I will always discuss your course of treatment with you on your initial visit.
What is Homeopathy
Homeopathy has its origins in ancient history dating back to Hippocrates. This was further developed by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. It has been widely used for over 200 years, across the world.
Homeopathy is based on the belief that like cures like. Homeopathy is one of the two most widely used forms of medicine in the world today, because people are discovering the benefits of a system of medicine that is safe, effective and treats them as unique individuals.
Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that treats mental, emotional and physical illness.
Homeopathy and flower essences may be suggested depending on your symptoms as this form of therapy is extremely helpful for mental, emotional and physical balance.
Homeopathic medicines are usually supplied in tablet or liquid form. Try to have a clean palate with no food or drink for 10mins before and after taking the remedy.
What do we treat
Homeopathic medicines are chosen to treat the whole person, because homeopaths believe the mind and body operate as one, and you cannot treat one part of the body without affecting the whole. Medicines are chosen to fit all the characteristics of the patient, so physical disorders are considered in relation to the individual’s mental and emotional state.
Homeopathic Treatment
Your first consultation may take 1 hour, with follow-up consultations lasting about 30 minutes.
Questions are asked to build up a complete picture of your condition, including your past medical history.
Prescriptions for acute illnesses, such as fever, vomiting or flu, are usually assessed much more quickly.
You will be asked detailed questions about yourself so that the best remedy for your particular problem can be prescribed.
You will be asked about many aspects of your life, such as your emotional state, your sleep patterns and how you cope with stress.
A remedy will be chosen for you that most closely matches your unique pattern of symptoms.
Time may be spent reflecting on the information you have given before prescribing a remedy; in which case you will receive your holistic remedy within a couple of days after the consultation.
Patients often feel a sense of wellbeing, optimism and relaxation after taking their homeopathic medicine.
The speed with which you feel relief will depend on the condition being treated.
In acute ailments, this can be very fast indeed. In more chronic conditions, your recovery rate will depend on the nature and duration of the illness and on your individual vitality..
Sports Therapy
What is Sports Therapy
Sports Therapy is specifically concerned with the prevention of injury and the rehabilitation of the patient back to optimum levels of fitness, regardless of age and ability.
It uses the principles of sport and exercise to prepare the participant for training and competition.
Who can it help?
You may be an elite athlete, a gym person, a tennis enthusiast, a dog walker, a post-natal mother, or simply suffering from aches and pains. Whatever your age Sports Therapy may be able to help.
Using a holistic approach in assessment and treatments, the aim is to help you to understand why your body is hurting as well as helping you to move more freely.
We don’t only treat your symptom we try to identify the cause of the problem.
The treatment that the clinic provides is tailored to you. Your lifestyle, your aims and your needs.
Techniques which are often used in treatment include:
• Soft tissue inhibition
• Balanced ligamentous tension
• Muscle stretching techniques (including muscle energy techniques)
• Muscle strengthening and joint/body alignment
• Body adjustment
• Hydrotherapy
You will be advised on exercise and what type of class is appropriate for your body type.

What is it?
Naturopathic medicine doesn’t follow a single road to good health but uses many techniques and skills. Naturopaths work with the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. The naturopathic physician tries to encourage good health by helping to create a healing environment.
The Principles of Naturopathy
The healing power of nature – Naturopathy contends that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself and when working at an optimal level, to ward off disease. Naturopathy is intended to help your body do just that.
Treat the whole person – Naturopaths work from the perspective that health and disease are more than just germs and infection. Mental, physical, spiritual and environmental factors each play a role.
Naturopaths take all of these factors into consideration when developing treatment. So where a conventional health care professional may prescribe medication to suppress symptoms, a naturopath may look for alternative approaches because the goal is to restore health not simply banish illness.
First do no harm – This tenet is of course part of the Hippocratic Oath taken by physicians. Traditional naturopathy focuses on gentle noninvasive therapies that enhance the healing process. It is this principle that underlies the reluctance to turn immediately to drugs for a cure.
Naturopaths generally avoid methods that merely relieve symptoms without addressing the cause. This is the foundation of another principle:
Identify the cause – Instead of treating symptoms naturopaths seek to identify and treat the underlying cause. Symptoms are not the cause of illness—they simply indicate that your body is out of balance.
The cause is often more difficult to identify. It could be anything from a vitamin or mineral deficiency to an emotional problem. By identifying and addressing (or removing) the cause the symptoms can be relieved rather than suppressed.
Prevention – Naturopaths place great emphasis on preventive care. Naturopaths assess your risk factors and make suggestions that will support your good health.
The physician as teacher – Naturopaths would like to teach patients how to take responsibility for their own health. This may involve suggesting nutritional, emotional, dietary or other lifestyle changes.
When to Visit a Naturopath
You might want to visit a naturopath for a number of reasons. Perhaps you have a chronic condition that isn’t responding to conventional care. However you don’t have to suffer from a particular condition to visit a naturopath. You may simply want to improve your overall health.